Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fight Like a Girl .... For the Month

Well yesterday started heart awareness month! I’m excited to post and help fight awareness this month.

First off I was watching Dr. Oz and found that his episode on Tuesday was about eating healthy and the 100 food to have in your shopping cart.

Below is a graphic of this “grocery list” provided by Dr. Oz.

*I think having a good diet is the 1st step to being heart healthy.*

Also, I want to mention TOMORROW, February 3rd is National Wear Red Day!!! Please Please Please wear red tomorrow for someone you know or just to support the awareness. This is a serious disease and it’s the #1 killer in women, but also affect men too! I want to try and get people to send me pictures of themselves wearing red so on Saturday or Sunday I can post them and say who they are wearing red for.

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