Tuesday, February 28, 2012

8 steps to healthy hearts

As heart awareness month comes to an end tomorrow. I hope that you still will go out and precede a heart healthy life style. I’ve have dedicated part of my life to making sure I’m making healthy decisions whether it’s working out or eating healthy.
The Mayo Clinic website provides 8 easy steps to prevent heart disease just through changing your eating habits. Most think it’s OK to eat not so healthy because they are going to the gym or working out regularly, but it’s not.
There should be NO cheat days when you’re trying to live a heart healthy lifestyle ESPECIALLY if this disease runs in your family. This also can help prevent getting diabetes as well. 

Here is the link again to the Mayo Clinic website. Look over the 8 steps. They really aren’t that bad!

Also, below is a picture of another few ways to help prevent heart disease.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Never to early..

I want to stress it's NEVER to early to start getting checked for heart disease. I'm 23 and I've started to get checked at 21. On the Go Red For Women website it has a tab for Heart Healthy at Any Age! It breaks it down from ages of 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s+! It gives great insight!!!  It's never to early to start getting checked, ESPECIALLY if heart disease runs in your family!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why so serious?...Not!

This video I’m posting brought up to controversy in the world of being heart healthy. Elizabeth Banks teamed up with the American Heart Association and Go Red For Women and created a mini- PSA about a mother on the go having a heart attack. It’s so suppose to be somewhat funny, and not serious. That’s what stirred up some talk about how heart attacks aren’t funny. I think personally it still educates you and also, it’s nice to have something that’s not always sad and depressing but something almost relating to most mother and funny. I also want to know what everyone else thinks?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Need weekend plans during the day??

Fundraiser this weekend--- Saturday and Sunday at Utica Fire Dept. for their Bike Team. Between 12-4 come donate. It's a good will donation and you can either receive a hot dog and chips or bake goods or hot chocolate/coffee. I'll be there helping out.ALSO it's downtown Utica's Ice Fest. COME CHECK IT OUT!  Below is the information about what is going on in Downtown Utica. Come out for fun and come see me and some of the UFD Bike Team at their department!!! I'm telling you it's for a good cause!!!!!

 Yes this doesn't really tie into heart healthy living but I'm trying to get the word out since I'm helping putting the event together.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fight Like a Girl .... For the Month

Well yesterday started heart awareness month! I’m excited to post and help fight awareness this month.

First off I was watching Dr. Oz and found that his episode on Tuesday was about eating healthy and the 100 food to have in your shopping cart.

Below is a graphic of this “grocery list” provided by Dr. Oz.

*I think having a good diet is the 1st step to being heart healthy.*

Also, I want to mention TOMORROW, February 3rd is National Wear Red Day!!! Please Please Please wear red tomorrow for someone you know or just to support the awareness. This is a serious disease and it’s the #1 killer in women, but also affect men too! I want to try and get people to send me pictures of themselves wearing red so on Saturday or Sunday I can post them and say who they are wearing red for.