Thursday, May 10, 2012

I haven't forgotten about my blogger family!!

I haven't forgotten about my blog! Right now I'm currently finishing up my Bachelor Degree and have been swamped with that and working at my internship.

In a couple weeks I want to get back into the swing of things because living heart healthy during the summer is going to be fun and not feel like you're doing much work! I'm working to try and keep things going post graduation and trying to really get the word out there!

Thank you for all the support and I can't wait to reconnect in the next couple of weeks!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Healthy Office Lifestyles

Since starting my new internship I’ve realize I’m getting into a routine I don’t like being in. I use to work out 4 to 5 days a week at a gym, but now between interning, school and my other job I can only make it 3 to 4 days a week. So I want to share you with you some ideas for you to get a little exercise if you work in an office setting where you sit most of your day.

First of all the Mayo Clinic’s website gives some good one. The one that stands out to me is taking a walk inside of a coffee break.  

Secondly states some great ways to fight off afternoon fatigue by toning your body.

Lastly, has 8 amazing steps to exercise while your at your desk. One goal of mine is from here, which is to work on my posture while sitting at my desk or on my computer.

I provided the links below each statement to the website to help you live your healthy lifestyle even if you’re busy at the office!